Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Holistic Counselling Melbourne
There’s nothing wrong with you and you don’t need to be fixed.
Rather than see you as someone with something ‘wrong’ with you, someone who needs to be ‘fixed’, I offer a more sophisticated perspective and approach that:
- Helps acknowledge and respect the choices (conscious and unconscious) that you’ve had to make in the past, and,
- Helps you to develop a profound and authentic self-acceptance based on a capacity to make more conscious, supportive choices.
What is transpersonal psychotherapy? How does it help?
One of the mainstays of transpersonal psychotherapy is that it recognizes that personal dilemmas are often greater than the individual. This means that, where relevant, we can explore particular concerns in the context of your personal and family history, trans-generational histories, or as universal human experiences.
I can help you to develop mature compassion and empathy for yourself and the aspects of your life that have led you to seek help.
As one of my teachers, Andreas Mouskous says,
“Whatever you are facing, your shit is your shit. It is what has made you who you are.”
And as another favourite mentor, Samved Dass says,
“Everyone thinks they’re more fucked up than everyone else. That they’re especially damaged… but that’s not true. We’re all in the same boat. Deep down we all suffer these beliefs because this is the human condition.”
A kind, compassionate relationship with yourself.
I believe that there is great value in developing a kind and compassionate relationship with yourself, as a starting point to true healing.
It’s also said that the therapist can help ‘hold the hope’ when you feel hopeless, and to help you to recover your sense of preciousness and self-worth, even if you don’t feel it when you come into therapy.
My approach to counselling is soul-based, spiritual and holistic.
Arguably, transpersonal psychology also values and includes the soul – not, in any mainstream religious sense, but as the basic ground of our being, and a place where healing can occur.
I’ve found that working from and within the realm of ego psychology (the mainstay of conventional psychology) merely keeps us in the limited world of our ego structure, our conditioned, unconscious sense of ourselves and of the world.
Sandra Maitrey, a Diamond Essence Teacher, and author of The Enneagram of Passions and Virtues: Finding the Way Home, puts it well:
“We need to remember the truth contained in that old adage that ‘the means determine the end’. If our practices and our orientation towards our personal process are those congruent with the ways our deeper nature operates and the ways it affects the human soul, our inner work is likely to bring us closer to our depths. If our practices and orientations are those of the personality, they will only lead us deeper into enmeshment with that structure”
A basic tenet of my approach is to help you consciously dis-identify from the conditioned, unconscious, beliefs about your self and the world that may keep you stuck and unhappy without knowing why. To enquire into your particular ego structure allows you both to address the issues affecting your life, and then to focus on a deeper, inner level of healing.
Want to know more about transpersonal counselling?
The word “healing” is from the Old English, ‘haelan’, meaning ‘to make whole’. This YouTube documentary: The Wounded Healer presents an interesting perspective on a key difference between transpersonal and more traditionally ‘medical’ models of psychological healing.
To make an appointment at Kind Counselling in inner Melbourne, please contact me directly on 0404 093 865 or send an email enquiry.